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EM Strasbourg Business School

Location : France

About Us

EM Strasbourg Business School is a unique model of a grande école de management within a university with international visibility. Through our research and teaching, we develop high-impact intellectual contributions for 21st-century organizations.

Programme Grande École:

Engage in a training program that combines professional and personal development, academic excellence, and international immersion. Possibility to join the program after high school, a post-secondary diploma, or a bachelor’s degree.

Bachelor in International Business:

Choosing the Bachelor in International Business at EM Strasbourg means committing to a program of excellence and becoming an actor in your own education.


  • M1 + M2 Accounting – Control – Audit (CCA)
  • M1 + M2 Management Control and Organizational Audit (CGAO)
  • M1 + M2 E-Marketing and Digital Strategy
  • M1 + M2 Entrepreneurship and Strategy
  • M1 + M2 European Digital and Sustainable Business (EDSB)
  • M1 + M2 European Management Studies
  • M1 + M2 European Tourism, Wine, and Agri-Food Management (ETWAM)
  • M1 + M2 Finance and Audit
  • M1 + M2 Human Resources Management
  • M1 + M2 Business Engineering
  • M1 + M2 Marketing and Market Listening
  • M1 + M2 Marketing and Event Management
  • M1 + M2 Supply Chain Management
  • M2 MAE Student Cycle
  • M2 MAE Alsace Tech Engineer Manager


Your training: join the Augustin Cournot Graduate School

To become a doctoral student with one of our teacher-researchers, you must register with the Augustin Cournot Graduate School, which is itself attached to the Doctoral College of the University of Strasbourg. This school trains and supports doctoral students in their administrative procedures, funding research, as well as in preparing their thesis and integrating into the job market.

  • Augustin Cournot Graduate School
  • European Doctoral College

Your academic environment: the LaRGE and HuManiS laboratories

By choosing a thesis director among our teacher-researchers, you will have access to the various resources of our two laboratories:

  • Monthly workshops led by members of your laboratory
  • Training on specific software, quantitative methods, etc.
  • Lectures given by guest professors from various nationalities
  • Congresses or workshops organized within the school
  • Funding for external seminars, granted under conditions
  • A network of partner schools at the international level

Contact us to register or obtain additional information about EM Strasbourg Business School